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I'm over it...

For so long I’ve played it safe. Only asking God for what I thought he would be okay with…

I didn’t want to seem greedy. I didn’t want to ask for bold, extravagant things. I should be happy with what I have and share that with the world. But the truth is deep down I want more.

Not just more “stuff” or more “money” or more “clients” or more “coaches”…

I want more of everything. I want to live a life of abundance. I want to have more so I can do more, so I can give more.

I want more in my prayer life. I want more of Him. I want more than enough.

Greedy? Maybe to some, but in reality you know you want more too and guess what—the bible never told us we have to pray safely or simply or to settle for less when we want more. The word tells us to dig effing deeper. I mean come on, look at David. That man was far from a simple man with simple prayers.

He prayed with passion. He prayed fiercely. He allowed God into every crevice of his heart.

Search me, O God and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any previous way in me, and lead me in the way of everlasting. Psalms 129

I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Psalms 34

Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; protect me from those who rise up against me; deliver me from those who work evil, and save me from blood thirsty men. Psalms 59

Y’all this pattern holds true throughout the entire bible.

Umm hello?! Do yall remember Jesus? “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

He KNEW he was about to die and he, the son of God prayed to NOT die even though he knew it was his entire purpose. Talk about bold AF. I want more of that...

Believers were never asked to pray small. We made the assumption that small prayers should be “good enough” and that will build our relationship with God and all our wildest dreams will come true. Ugh. Well I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be “good enough” anymore. I want to be FUCKING AMAZING. I want to pray fiercely for the things I want and NOT feel ashamed of them because my life is “good enough”.

So today I start…

Lord, reveal what holds my mind hostage, Show me what I fear the most, what I want the most, where YOU need me and help fill my heart with joy as I serve you!

I want Jackson’s anxiety to go completely away so he can enjoy his childhood and be the light that you created him to be. I am so angry at you for allowing the enemy to work this in him. I know you can remove it so from every cell in my body REMOVE IT FROM HIM.

I want cancer to dis-a-fucking-ppear forever.

I want depression, anxiety and fear to go the fuck away.

I want an exceptional marriage for the rest of forever.

I want the enemy to stay the fuck away from my kids.

I want suicide and thoughts of suicide to be completely removed from our world.

I want to be a shining beacon in so many peoples lives that when I leave their presence they want what I have, and what I have is YOU.

I want to show women that they are not just enough, but more than enough.

I want 200 women to join me at the women’s retreat in April.

I want you to remove my fear of not having enough money to provide for my family.

I want to have an income that allows our family complete freedom to give as much as we want whenever we want.

I want to help other women have complete financial freedom so they dont have to feel the pressures of debt.

I want everyone to know you.

I want everyone to meet me in heaven one day.

Lord, God, Father, I KNOW YOU CAN DO ALL OF THIS. Not only that, I trust that you will. Not in my way but in yours. And I know that you will teach me, love me and hold me along the way because this journey wasn’t meant to be easy but it was meant to be purposeful.

Girl, are you with me? Let’s stop playing small. This is just the beginning of what we’re going to teach you at the women’s retreat. Believer, non-believer. I DON’T CARE. Confidence is life changing in every area of your life. Let us help you find it.

April 15-19, 2020. You in? MIND649 Discount Code EXPIRES 2/24.

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19 févr. 2020

Can’t wait to be part of this 💜

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