On February 9th, 2020 I did a thing...
I ran my very first 1/2 marathon!!! This was the day of reaching a goal I never knew I wanted. The day of accomplishing something I never thought possible. The day where I not only ran but FINISHED my VERY FIRST 1/2 Marathon!!
I’d be lying if I told you running this 1/2 was just for me though. When I first signed up for this particular 1/2 back in October I was running for women everywhere. For the confidence to fight in the face of fear, to beat what some people think is the unbeatable. To fight and win against breast cancer.
But now the truth is I wasn't just running for a general cause. I ran for one of the kindest, gentlest, hard working women I know. One of my very first best friends. My childhood ride or die. My A2J2, hoodie mafia, strong AF lifelong friend. She’s 34 years old. The primary care-taker for their family. A fierce AF mama bear to 3 gorgeous babes (19 months, 5 & 7) and she shines light on everyone she comes in contact with and she was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer on January 6, 2020.
The truth is the moment I found out I was angry. Shocked. Scared.
Frustrated. Why her? Why Jean? But then it hit me. If anyone will kick cancers ass it will in fact be Jean. She’s overcome so much in her short life that there’s no way she’s going to lose this battle. Her faith is strong. She’s committed and she’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
Jean-Marie this race was for you. I love you so much. You’ve given so much to so many. Let us take care of you for a bit.
If you feel compelled to help the fight please consider donating to help Jean & her family fight the soon to be very scary medical bills. No pressure, just know anything at all is more than appreciated.