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What will it be like when you feel loved, accepted and you no longer look to others for validation?


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. -Romans 12: 2

Over the years I've learned that one of my biggest fears is “being alone”. As much as I prided myself FOR YEARS on doing everything alone and having control, I’ve come to realize that’s bull shit. ⁣

When we’re born we’re expected to seek out people for help. We can’t survive on our own and a basic need is LOVE. ⁣However as we grow and learn “how to adult” we learn we need to take on the world by ourselves. That will make us a leader. That will push us forward. That’s a flipping LIE. ⁣

Together we are better. Together we will change the world. Together we are warriors. ⁣

If you struggle with feeling connected, need support from a positive tribe, want to learn more or share your knowledge about Jesus, join our #Unchained Warrior Community by simply clicking the link below & requesting to join! 

Make sure you answer the prompt questions or you won't be added. This is a safe space for our members and to protect them we need you to be willing to enter a judgement free zone with NO NEGATIVITY! Hope to see you in there. 

xo MBS Tribe 

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